George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Jacob Milligan, 27 October 1789

From Jacob Milligan

Charleston [S.C.] 27 Oct. 1789. “Mrs Milligan has taken the liberty to Send to Your Ladie a Preasent of A Baskett of the Fillagree Work of her Own Make which She begs Mrs Washington’s Acceptence of.”


Jacob Milligan was commissioned a third lieutenant on an armed South Carolina naval ship in 1775 and by December 1776 was serving on board a privateer (Clark, Naval Documents, description begins William Bell Clark et al., eds. Naval Documents of the American Revolution. 12 vols. to date. Washington, D.C., 1964–. description ends 3:136, 7:467). He also served as harbormaster of Charleston and in 1793 as assistant to the federal marshal of South Carolina. His second wife, Mary Milligan, died in 1793.

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