To George Washington from the Massachusetts Legislature, 24 October 1789
From the Massachusetts Legislature
[Boston] Saturday October 24th 1789
The Governor & Council present their respectful compliments to the President of the United States & request the Honor of his company with his suite to Dine on Tuesday next at the Coffee house in State Street at 3 o’Clock P.M.1
For background to this letter, see GW to Betty Lewis, 12 Oct. 1789, n.3, and to John Hancock, 23 Oct. 1789, n.1.
1. On 25 Oct. the dining arrangements were changed, the governor and council informing GW that “for the better accommodation of the Company the place of dining on Tuesday next is altered for Fanieul Hall at three o’Clock P.M. The Company will proceed from the Senate Chamber in the State House” (DLC:GW).
On Saturday, 24 Oct., the wardens of Trinity Church, preparing for the next day’s services, wrote GW that “a Seat is appropriated for his Use in said Church, should his Inclinations lead him to attend public Worship there tomorrow or at any other Time” (DLC:GW). On Sunday, 25 Oct., GW attended services held at Trinity Church by the Rev. Samuel Parker in the morning and in the afternoon was present at the Brattle Street Congregational Church, presided over by the Rev. Peter Thacher (5:476).