George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Hancock, 22 October 1789

To John Hancock

Brookfield [Mass.] October 22nd 1789.


A few miles west of this village I met the Express, who delivered me Your Excellency’s letter of yesterday. I have been so fortunate as to proceed thus far without any accident to delay my journey—should nothing occur to prevent me, I shall be at Weston to-morrow night—and I purpose taking dinner so early at Watertown on Saturday, as to reach Cambridge by half past 2 o’clock. Thence I presume we shall arrive within an hour at Boston. I am highly sensible of the honor intended me: But could my wish prevail I should desire to visit your Metropolis without any parade, or extraordinary ceremony.

From a wish to avoid giving trouble to private families, I determined, on leaving New York, to decline the honor of any invitation to quarters which I might receive while on my journey—and with a view to observe this rule, I had requested a Gentleman to engage lodgings for me during my stay at Boston.

I beg your Excellency to be presuaded of the grateful sense which I entertain of the honor you intended to confer on me—and, I desire to assure you of the respectful regard with which I am Your obliged and obedient Servant.

Df, in writing of William Jackson, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB, DLC:GW.

For background to this letter, see GW to Betty Lewis, 12 Oct. 1789, n.3, and John Hancock to GW, 21 Oct., source note.

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