George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Samuel Coleman, 19 October 1789

From Samuel Coleman

Richmond, 19 Oct. 1789. “If the United States should want an Officer, in any of the departments of Government in this State, who ought, in the execution of his office, to possess abilities, integrity and Application in an uncommon degree; give me leave to recommend to your Notice Colonel Thomas Meriwether, a Gentleman who hath long served this Commonwealth with honour to himself and great benefit to his Country.”1


Samuel Coleman became assistant clerk to the Council of State of Virginia in December 1786 (Journals of the Council of State of Virginia, description begins H. R. McIlwaine et al., eds. Journals of the Council of the State of Virginia. 5 vols. Richmond, 1931–82. description ends 4:17). He may be the same Samuel Coleman who served in the 1st Artillery as second lieutenant in October 1777, was promoted to first lieutenant in June 1778, and then taken prisoner by the British and held to the end of the war (Gwathmey, Historical Register, description begins John H. Gwathmey. Historical Register of Virginians in the Revolution: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, 1775-1783. Richmond, 1938. description ends 167).

1Thomas Meriwether served as assistant clerk of the Council of State, with various interruptions, from 1782 until his resignation in June 1789.

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