To George Washington from James Wilson, 18 October 1789
From James Wilson
[18 October 1789]
Your Commission, appointing me one of the associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and your very obliging Letter, with which it was accompanied, I have had the Honour of receiving.1
Be assured, Sir, that I entertain a just Sense of the delicate and pleasing Manner, in which you describe the Motives and the Objects of your Choice. Permit me to add—I hope I do it with Justice and without Vanity—that you are correct in your Conjecture concerning the Principles, which lead me to an Acceptance of the Commission.
I have taken the Qualification prescribed by the Law; and hold myself in Readiness to perform the Duties of my Office.
I have the Honour to be, with Sentiments of the highest Respect and Esteem.
AL, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; ADf, PU-L.
For background to GW’s judicial appointments, see his letter to the United States Senate submitting nominations for judicial posts, 24 Sept. 1789.
1. GW’s pro forma letter to Wilson enclosing his commission, 30 Sept., is in PU-L.