To George Washington from Beverley Randolph, 26 September 1789
From Beverley Randolph
Richmond September 26th 1789.
The inclosed Letter from the Lieutenant of Woodford County containing the latest accounts of the Situation of the Kentucky District I do myself the Honour to forward to you, as the most probable means of affording relief to the distresses of the Inhabitants of the Western Frontier.1 I have &c.
Beverley Randolph.
LB, Vi: Executive Letter Books.
1. The letter from Robert Johnson, county lieutenant for Woodford County, has not been found. On 26 Sept. Randolph wrote Johnson that he had “received your Letter without date giving an account of the Depredations lately Committed on the Frontier of your County, which I immediately forwarded to the President of the United States as the only means in my power to relieve the Distresses of the Western Inhabitants. After the Defence of the Frontier had been taken up by the General Government and the Executive were assured that Treaties had been formed with all the Tribes of Indians which from their situation were able to commit Depredations upon that quarter of the Country they could not justify the continuance of the scouts and Rangers at the particular expence of this state” (Vi: Executive Letter Books).