George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Ann Carter Willis, 18 September 1789

From Ann Carter Willis

Fredericksburg Septr 18 1789

Mrs Willis presents her most respectfull compliments to the President an Lady and begs there acceptance of four glasses of Virgin honey. She has not a doubt of that article being plenty in the state of New York but perhaps not wrought in the same manner and of course not so pure. She flatters her self if it has no other recommendation than being sent by an acquaintance from a place near that of his Nativity they will be induce’d to taste it and will be happy to hear of the welfare of the family and that they have made an agreeable breakfast on it.

AL, DLC:GW. GW’s secretary Robert Lewis evidently acknowledged this gift for GW. An undated draft for his reply is at ViMtvL.

Ann Carter Willis was the widow of John Champe, Jr. (d. 1775), and the wife of Lewis Willis (1734–1813) of Willis Hill near Fredericksburg. Willis was the son of GW’s aunt Mildred Washington (1696–c.1745) and her second husband, Col. Henry Willis (c.1691–1740).

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