George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Arthur Campbell, 15 September 1789

To Arthur Campbell

New York September 15th 1789


Your several favors of the 10th and 16th of May1 and 22d of August with their enclosures have been received—The information which they communicate claims my thanks, and the personal kindness they express is entitled to my grateful acknowledgments.

Watchful over every interest of the Union, Congress during their present Session, have passed a Law authorising the appointment of Commissioners to treat with the Indians, and providing for the expences attendant on the negotiations2—In pursuance thereof Benjamin Lincoln, Cyrus Griffin, and David Humphreys Esquires have been appointed Commissioners; and they sailed from New York for Savannah in Georgia fifteen days ago.

Circumstances concur to favor a beleif that the most beneficial consequences will flow from this measure, and that its effects will be extended to every description of Indians within, and contiguous to, the United States.

I accept with pleasure your obliging offers of further communications, and shall at all times be happy to receive such information as you may think interesting to the Government of the United States. I am, Sir, Your Most Obedient Servant

George Washington


1A copy of a letter of 16 May, unaddressed and signed “Your fervent Admirer, A. C.,” in DNA:PCC, item 78, is probably the letter referred to by GW. It reads: “If there be many who would rejoice in seeing the civil administration of your Country conducted with the same eclat, that the military operations were lately; yet there are not a few, who are now looking forward with a malignant satisfaction, to see that glory lost, that recently was so nobly won and your own native State, perhaps produces more of these ingrates, than any other. I shall tire you with my hints, and warnings but your goodness will pardon this, with other forwardness, and impute the whole, to an honest zeal—and if found useless, consign this to oblivion. May your Almighty friend! bless you with his choicest gifts, in every station, and sheild you against all your enemies.”

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