To George Washington from Richard Bland Lee, 9 September 1789
From Richard Bland Lee
N. York September 9: 1789
At the request of Mr Roger West I take the Liberty of forwarding the inclosed letter:1 at the same time I beg leave to present to you the most respectful regards of Mr Francis Corbin, who requests me to inform you that Mr John Segar, would be happy to be appointed Surveyor in the place of Mr Stage Davis, who has or will resign, and to assure you that he is well fitted to execute the duties of the office.2 I have the honor to be with the most profound respect and veneration your most ob: hum: Servant
Richard Bland Lee
1. The enclosure was probably Roger West’s letter to GW, 30 Aug. 1789.
2. Staige Davis (d. 1815) had replaced his brother George Davis as collector at Urbanna in late 1788 ( 5:10). In his 3 Aug. appointments, GW named him surveyor of the port, but he declined the appointment. John Segar (b. 1730) of Middlesex County, Va., did not receive the appointment; Peter Kemp rather than Segar replaced Staige Davis ( , 2:16, 21, 38).