George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Andrew Ellicott, 2 September 1789

From Andrew Ellicott

New York Sept. 2d 1789


I would propose Niagara for the place, and the second Week in next Month for the time of meeting the Commissioners, to be appointed by the Executives of the States of New York, and Massachusetts, to attend making the Survey directed by Congress in their Act of June 6th 1788. If the Express to Quebec should not return to Niagara by that time, that part of the Survey, lying on the South margin of Lake Erie, may be carrying on.

I am of the opinion that a less sum of Money than four hundred and fifty pounds, will not be sufficient to begin the business, and ensure success.1 I have the Honour to be your Excellency’s Hbe Servt

Andrew Ellicott

ALS, DNA:PCC, item 78.

For background to this letter, see Andrew Ellicott to GW, 20 Aug. 1789, and GW to Henry Knox, 4 and 5 Sept. 1789.

1The following document, signed by Ellicott, was probably an enclosure to his letter: “A List of such Articles as will be necessary in executing the Survey to be made on Lake Erie, agreeably to a Resolve of Congress passed June 6th 1788.

“7 or 8 Horses, 18 Blankets, 8 Axes, 4 Tents, (now at Tyoga)[.] A Boat must be had at Niagare, Provision and wages for 16 men, (three months of the present year,).

“Note In the execution of such business, we have always had a Commissary appointed, who has taken charge of the Money, and furnished the party with such articles as they stood in need of. Major William Armstrong of Pennsylvania has officiated in this way for me several years past, much to my satisfaction, and I believe equally so to the States by which we were employed” (DNA:PCC, item 78).

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