To George Washington from Wakelin Welch & Son, 18 August 1789
From Wakelin Welch & Son
London the 18 Augt 1789
Govr Morris did us the honr of delivering your Excellencys Letter himself,1 we were made very happy by having such an Oppo. in conversing with a Person of his Sensibility, if any thing in our Power had offerd, of rendering him the least Service, we assurd him he might command us. His stay in London will be but short, as he purposes of returning to France very soon, from whence he has but just arrivd, the Commotions there he was witness to, but thinks the reports here were much aggravated tho bad is the best.
A Parcell of Books has been sent us, addressd to your Excellency, wh. we were going to forward, by a Maryland Ship but in consulting with Mr Morris, he recommended the Conveyance by New York, we have therefore agreeable to the inclosed rect, shipd them, onboard the Cruger, Capt. Talbutt; the Freight & Charges therein £—10/6 we have paid2—these Books we imagine came from Mr Young, but no Letter accompanied them3—Mr Morris has Letters for Mr Young, but he understands he is abroad, & therefore has not had it in his Power, to deliver them. We are your Excellencys Much Obligd & Most Obed. Servt
Wakn Welch & son
1. When Gouverneur Morris was about to leave the United States for Europe in 1788, GW wrote a letter of introduction for him to Wakelin Welch dated 28 Nov. 1788. See Morris to GW, 12 Nov. 1788, and GW to Chastellux, 27 Nov. 1788, n.3.
2. A receipt for this sum from James Campbell to William Talbot, 19 Aug. 1789, is in DLC:GW.
3. The books may have been volumes of Arthur Young’s Annals of Agriculture, which he sent to GW regularly.