To George Washington from Henry Knox, 17 August 1789
From Henry Knox
[New York] August 17 1789 (private)
I beg leave to submit to your view a loose sketch of the general ideas which have occurred to me on the subject of instructions to the Commission[er]s.1
If any part of them should meet your approbation, they could, together with such additions as you may judge proper be drawn up in form. I will wait on you tomorrow to receive your further orders on this subject. I am Sir respectfully and sincerely Your most Obedient Servant
H. Knox
1. See GW to the United States Senate, 20 Aug. 1789. Knox’s “sketch” of instructions for the commissioners to the southern Indians has not been found. For the final version, see GW to the Commissioners to the Southern Indians, 29 Aug. 1789. A partial draft in Knox’s writing in NNGL: Knox Papers, is identical to the last paragraph of the final instructions.