From George Washington to Pierce Butler, 10 August 1789
To Pierce Butler
[New York] 10th August 1789
I thank you for giving me the perusal of ⟨the⟩ enclosed Letters.1 The business respecting t⟨he⟩ Indians is now before Congress. It would be well if ⟨the⟩ information concerning fugitive Negros co⟨uld⟩ come forward specifically—Judge Draytons name shall be placed among those who will come under consideration whe⟨n⟩ nominations for the Judiciary are taken up2—and I am Sir Yr Most Obedt & Most Hb⟨le⟩ Servt
G. W——n
1. See Butler to GW, 8 Aug. 1789.
2. William Drayton (1732–1790) of South Carolina was at this time associate justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court. GW appointed Drayton judge for the district of South Carolina on 18 Nov. 1789, and the Senate confirmed the appointment in February 1790.