George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Morris, 6 August 1789

From Robert Morris

New York 6th of August 1789


This letter which I take the liberty to enclose, came to my hands this day whilst in Senate, and however unwilling I am to trespass on your Excellency, yet the justice due to an absent Individual obliges me to communicate it altho I do not see under present circumstances that Major Fishbourne can derive the benefit which he aims at.1 I have the honor to be Your Excellency s most Obed. Servt

Robt Morris

ALS, DNA:PCC, item 78.

1The enclosure has not been identified but undoubtedly concerned the difficulties encountered by Benjamin Fishbourn with his nomination as collector for the port of Savannah. See GW to the United States Senate, 6 Aug. 1789.

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