To George Washington from Thomas Fosdick, 28 July 1789
From Thomas Fosdick
State Mass[achusett]s Marblehead
July 28 1789
May it please your Excellency
Having had the Honor of Serving under your Excellencys orders in the late American Army, and being informed that the Appointment of the revenue Officers originates with your Excellency, I am indued in this manner to solicite an Appointment for this district—The inclosd Certificate from General Glover will show that I acquited myself with reputation—I have the Honor to be you Excellys Most Obt & Very Hum. Sert
Thomas Fosdick
I should have made an earlier application but did not know, till this moment that Marblehead would be the principal Seaport in any district.
Thomas Fosdick (1756–1801) served in 1776 as a lieutenant in John Glover’s regiment and was promoted to captain in August of that year. On 15 June 1777 Glover wrote to GW to recommend that Fosdick, “a dilligent, active young man & a good disciplinarian,” be made brigade major (NN). He held this rank, also serving as Glover’s aide-de-camp, until his discharge in March 1779.