George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Richard Morris, 23 July 1789

From Richard Morris

New York July 23d 1789


If I should be thought Qualified for and worthy of Employment in the Judicial department of the General Goverment. I shall be happy to Serve my country in any Office which I can Accept consistant with my Own Reputation.

you will Excuse this Lyberty it is from an Intimation, that you was desirous to know every person who wished to be Employed in the Genll Goverment.1 with the Highest Sentiments of Respect and Real Esteem I am Sir your Most Obedient Humble Servant

Rd Morris


For an identification of Richard Morris, see Leonard Bleecker to GW, 4 June 1789, n.6.

1Morris had resigned his state positions and by this time was in semiretirement at his country seat in Scarsdale, New York. In 1792 GW appointed him supervisor of the revenue for New York (Executive Journal, description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America: From the commencement of the First, to the termination of the Nineteenth Congress. Vol. 1. Washington, D.C., 1828. description ends 1:105). In a letter to George Clinton in anticipation of Morris’s appointment, GW observed that “this nomination has been unsolicited by that Gentleman, or by any friend of his; nor have I any evidence, that it will be acceptable to him; or of his inclinations in the event which is pending. But, in adverting to his long and faithful public services—to his real sacrifices, and to his present, as I am informed, distressful retirement, I found a combination of strong inducements to direct my choice towards him” (GW to Clinton, 6 Mar. 1792). Morris held the post only until early 1793. For his resignation, see his letter to GW, 19 Feb. 1793.

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