George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John Eager Howard, 23 July 1789

From John Eager Howard

Baltimore July 23d 1789


I am sensible that the liberty I have taken in so often troubling your Excellency, requires apoligy—Several military officers have applyed to me for recommendations, which, their services in the field gave them some claim to, and I am persuaded that any trouble I may have given you on their account, will be excused. I shall be happy if my trespassing on your time in this instance meets the like indulgence.

Mr James Calhoun, I am informed, has made application to be appointed collector of the Port of Baltimore. there may be many others well recommended, but I am satisfyed from long acquaintance with him that no person will be found for the office, who possesses more integrity or honesty.1

General Williams is at present naval officer; I would by no means make any recommendation in opposition to him, but should he decline the appointment I am confident that Mr Calhoun, if appointed to that office, or collector, would discharge the duties very much to your satisfaction.2 I have the Honor to be with the highest respect yr Excellencys most obedt Servt

J.E. Howard


1For James Calhoun’s application for office, see his letter to GW, 22 June 1789.

2Otho H. Williams hoped to retain his post under the new government. See his letter to GW, 18 April 1789.

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