From George Washington to Thomas Mifflin, 20 July 1789
To Thomas Mifflin
New York July 20th 1789
The enclosed letter, which is directed to the Government of the United States,1 was put into my hands; but upon having it translated I found it related to a person who is said to live in Philadelphia, and have therefore taken the liberty of forwarding it to your Excellency, not doubting but you will have the goodness to make known the contents to the person whom it concerns, if he is an inhabitant of Philada or can by any means be brought to your knowledge. I am, Sir, with due consideration, Your Excellency’s mt Hme Most Obedt Servt
Df, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB, DLC:GW.
1. The enclosure has not been identified.