George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Thomas Lee, 20 July 1789

From Thomas Lee

Dumfries [Va.] July 20th 1789

Dear sir

From the arrangements in collecting the duties on Imports I observe this place is made a port of entry delivery & clearance. That there is also to be appointed here a collector, surveyor, &c. If in this first mentioned place you think proper to appoint me, it not being already engaged, I shall be glad to serve, and will use my best endeavors to a faithful execution of the trust.

Mrs Lee joins me in affectionate respects to Mrs Washington and yourself and I have the honor to be Dear Sir Your most Obedient Hble Servt

Thos Lee


Thomas Lee (1758–1805) of Park Gate in Prince William County, near Dumfries, was the eldest son of Richard Henry Lee. The younger Lee studied law in England and in 1788 married Mildred Washington, daughter of GW’s brother John Augustine Washington and Hannah Bushrod Washington. At this time he was practicing law in Dumfries. The appointment as collector at Dumfries went to Richard Marshall Scott.

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