To George Washington from John Langdon, 17 July 1789
From John Langdon
New York July 17th 1789
I have Recd several letters from Eleazar Russell Esqr. who now is, and has been for upwards of Twenty years past, Naval Officer for the port of Portsmouth in the State of New Hampshire,1 and likewise from, Colonal Joseph Whipple Brother of the late General Whipple who is now Collector or Impost Master for the Same port,2 in which they express their desire of being Continued in those Respective Offices, under the General Government, and have desired me to Mention their Names and Characters to the President of the United States, for a Nomination if he should think proper.
I therefore Sr would beg leave to Recommend these Gentlemen as very Suitable for these Offices; of undoubted integrity, and who would be very Agreable to the people of that District. I have the Honor to be with the Highest Regard and Respect Sr your most obt Servt
John Langdon
1. Eleazer Russell (c.1720–1798) was naval officer of Portsmouth, N.H., from 1776 to 1789. In August 1789 GW appointed him to the post under the new government. He served until 1798 ( 2:13, 19).
2. For Joseph Whipple’s application for office, see his letter to GW, 13 July 1789. Whipple’s brother was William Whipple (1730–1785), a prominent New Hampshire Patriot and brigadier general in the New Hampshire militia during the Revolution.