George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Francis Mennis, 12 July 1789

From Francis Mennis

York Virginia July 12 1789.

Hond Sir

It is with utmost pleasure I congratulate you on being called to the important station & most sincerely congratulate on the recovery of your Health. I am sorry it is not in my power to express myself to you on this occasion as I coud wish for want of an education but be assured my most sincere wishes will ever attend you & your family.

I have a claim against the United state[s] as Captain in the Continental army from the death of Colo. Richd Parker of the first Virginia Regiment till the expiration of the War.1 I have received the Commutation by the hands of Ed. Carrington esqr. I have address’d several Members of Congress, & when you have any leisure & can render this service it will be ever acknowledged I have a Wife & three small Infants & this will be of infinite service.

I conclude with wishing you & your Lady every Happiness this World can afford2 & in the next everlasting bliss. I am Yr most devoted & very humble servt

Francis Mennis

ALS, DNA:PCC, item 78.

Francis Mennis (Minnis) began service during the Revolution as an ensign in the 1st Virginia Regiment in January 1776, and he acted as an aide-de-camp to John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg in 1779. Promoted to captain in April 1780, he was taken prisoner at Charleston in May of the same year.

1Richard Parker, colonel of the 1st Virginia Regiment, died on 24 April 1780 of wounds received at the siege of Charleston.

2Mennis repeated the word “can” in an insertion above the line.

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