George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Lewis Pintard, 10 July 1789

From Lewis Pintard

New York July 10th 1789


The embarrassed State of Trade & the reduction of my Finances from various Causes, some of them of a public Nature, have led me to decline all mercantile Business, since which I have been persuaded by my Friends to offer myself a Candidate for the Naval Office for the Port of New York. a Life almost spent in the laborious Employment of Trade to all Parts of the World with unsullied reputation added to the assurance of Integrity & industry which I can with confidence make, are the only recommendations that I would wish to urge in my behalf—If in your Opinion Sir my appointment could advance the public Interest and be consistant with Your general plans of Government I shall with gratitude & thankfulness acknowledge the favour. I have the honor to be with the most respectful attention Sir Your most obedient Humble Servant

Lewis Pintard


Lewis Pintard (1732–1818) was a New York City merchant of Huguenot descent and a major importer of Madeira and other wines into the United States. During the Revolution he served as a commissary of prisoners in New York and in late 1782 became agent for New Jersey in settling the state’s accounts with Congress. His marriage to Susanna Stockton had made him the brother-in-law of Richard Stockton, signer of the Declaration of Independence, and of Elias Boudinot, United States congressman from New Jersey. Pintard did not receive the appointment he sought.

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