George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Charles Lee, 3 July 1789

From Charles Lee

Alexandria 3 July 1789


Having long served as the custom house officer of South Patowmack and I trust with the approbation of my country, I have been induced to express my wishes to be reappointed in the same department least my silence should be misunderstood.

I pray leave at this time to mention Mr Richard Marshall Scott as a person from long experience in this line of business capable and deserving of any office in the customs upon this river as he has done a principal share of the business under me ever since the year 1783, and in all respects I think him fit for any appointment of this kind.1 With the sincerest esteem I remain most respectfully sir your most obed. humble servant

Charles Lee


Charles Lee’s letter was forwarded by his cousin Richard Henry Lee. See Richard Henry Lee to GW, 27 July 1789. For an identification of Charles Lee, see his letter to GW, 29 Oct. 1788, source note.

1For Richard Marshall Scott’s application for office, see his letter to GW, 15 June 1789. For additional letters recommending Scott, see also Henry Lee to GW, 1 July 1789, Richard Bland Lee to GW, 3 July 1789, and Richard Henry Lee to GW, 27 July 1789.

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