To George Washington from John Gunby, 27 June 1789
From John Gunby
Baltimore The 27th June 1789—
Dr Sir,
As there Will be under the New Goverment a number of Offices to dispose off, some of greator, and Others of less importance, I beg your Excellency would be pleased to consider me an applicant to fill one of them, (The Navel office for the port of Snow Hill,) For as Much as the business of that port have been small, and in all probability will continue so for a time to come, Could the business of Collector, and purvayor, be annexed to it, and Vested in the same person, it would make the office more agreable, and the business mought be transacted with ease—Should I be so fortunate as to meat your Excellencys approbation, to fill this office, or any other, that it may be your pleasure to appoint me to, you may be assured, that I will use all the honest Indevors in my power to Discharge the Trust reposed in me faithfully. That it may be the blessed will of God to direct a speedey recovery of your health, and to aide and assist you, from time, to time, in performing the grand business you have before you, to your own Ease, and Satisfaction is the prayers of your Very humble Servant
John Gunby
John Gunby (1745–1807) served as captain of a Maryland Independent Company in 1776 and became lieutenant colonel of the Maryland 7th Regiment in December of that year. In 1777 he was promoted to colonel. Gunby served with some distinction in many of the major engagements in the North during the early years of the war. According to
he transferred in January 1781 to the Maryland 2d Regiment and served in the South to the end of the war. He was, however, apparently in command of the 1st Maryland at Guilford Court House and at the Battle of Hobkirk’s Hill, where Nathanael Greene strongly criticized his military judgment. In 1788 he settled near Snow Hill, on a tract of land in Worcester County, Md., left to him by his father.