From George Washington to Moustier, 2 June 1789
To Moustier
New York June 2nd 1789.
Sir, (Confidential)
The sentiments expressed in your letter of yesterday are perfectly consonant to my ideas of propriety.1 I never doubted that you was animated by motives of the purest regard for my Country & myself. On the other part, you may rest assured, I shall always be happy in occasions of demonstrating the sincerity of friendship for your Sovereign & Nation: being with sentiments of real consideration and esteem, Sir, Your Most Obedient & very humble Servant.
Copy, in the writing of David Humphreys, DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB, DLC:GW.
GW’s letter evidently concerns the proposals made by Moustier for conferences with GW over Franco-American affairs. See Moustier to GW, 1 May 1789.
1. Letter not found. It is possible that Moustier misdated his 1 May letter and that the date should have been 1 June, since he extends considerable explanations and apologies for his proposals in his letter of 1 May. The letter is, however, given Moustier’s date of 1 May by GW in his endorsement on the back of the letter.