George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Mathew Carey, 29 May 1789

To Mathew Carey

New York, 29th May 1789.


In the course of my whole existence, I never have before been made the subject of such extraordinary conduct as that which I have been obliged to suffer by your sending to me unsealed, through a public conveyance, my letter of the 22nd and yours of the 27th of this month.

After the candid, and my heart witnessed for me not unfriendly part I had always acted towards you, I hoped, for the credit of human nature, at least to have escaped an intentional insult. I am Sir, Your most obedient Servant

G. Washington


For background to this letter, see Carey to GW, 21 April, 18 May, and GW to Carey, 21, 22 May 1789.

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