To George Washington from Daniel Carroll, 21 May 1789
From Daniel Carroll
Smith Street No. 52 May 21st 1789
I do myself the honor of inclosing the information obtain’d respecting the Districts, with the names of the Naval Officers, in the State of Maryland—likewise two letters forwarded to me by post.1 I have the honor to be with sentiments of the greatest respect, Sir, your Most obt & very Hble Servt
Danl Carroll
Daniel Carroll (1730–1796) of Upper Marlboro, Prince Georges County, Md., was a cousin of Charles Carroll of Carrollton and of Charles Carroll the “barrister.” Carroll was educated in France and after his return to Maryland in 1748 served as a member of the Continental Congress from 1780 to 1784 and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and was a member of the Maryland senate. In 1789 he was elected to the First Congress, and in 1791 GW appointed him one of the three commissioners to superintend the construction of the new Federal City.
1. The undated list of Maryland naval officers is in DLC:GW. The letters have not been identified.