To George Washington from Daniel Bedinger, 20 May 1789
From Daniel Bedinger
Norfolk [Va.] May 20th 1789
My time having since the peace, been almost wholly employed in the Naval Office at this place, I humbly flatter myself, that I have acquired some little knowledg of the nature of the business and Duties of a Collector of the Customs. Should any such Office be created, I beg leave to present myself as an humble candidate.
I do not mean to trouble your Excellency further on the subject by stating fully my humble pretentions, but for particulars respecting myself, beg leave to refer you to the honorable gentleman who will present this letter. I am with every sentiment of respect your Excellencys most Obedient and most humble servant
Daniel Bedinger
Daniel Bedinger (1766–1818), a native of Pennsylvania, moved with his parents, Henry and Magdelene von Schlegal Bedinger, to Virginia. During the Revolution he served as a lieutenant in the 11 th Virginia Regiment. Settling as a merchant in Norfolk after the war he acted as naval officer and deputy collector of the port from 1783 to 1789. In 1789 GW appointed him surveyor at Norfolk and Portsmouth, a post he held until 1797, and in March 1792 he was named inspector of the excise at Norfolk and Portsmouth as well ( 1:11, 14, 104, 111). Bedinger was an active member of the Virginia Society of the Cincinnati.