From George Washington to John Jay, 11 May 1789
To John Jay
New-York May 11th 1789.
Dear Sir,
A few days ago I was conversing with you on the points contained in the enclosed queries, when a Gentleman coming in put an end to the conversation.1
As it is my earnest wish to adopt such a line of conduct as shall be judged most likely to secure essentials without being exposed more than is unavoidable to the charge of too much reserve on the one hand, or too much familiarity on the other, I would be much obliged to you for considering and returning the enclosed with your sentiments thereon as soon as you can make it convenient to yourself. With great and sincere regard, I am &ca
G: Washington.
1. No copy sent to John Jay of GW’s queries on protocol has been found, but they were presumably similar or identical to the ones submitted to John Adams on 10 May.