George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Moses Hazen, 24 April 1789

From Moses Hazen

[Philadelphia] Friday April 24. 1789

General Hazens most respectful Compliments to His Excellency General Washington begs to Inform him,

That on the 27th of April 1786, he was taken with a Violent fit of the Appoplexy, perhaps the Quantity of Blood the Doctors took from him saved his life, And terminated the Disorder into a palsey, The first Year he got a Good deal better but the two latter he seams to be at a stand.

Genl Hazen lodges in Great Dock street No. 28—he will probably leave Town in the Course of Next Week.

AL, DNA:PCC, item 78.

Moses Hazen (1733–1803) was a lieutenant with British forces in the French and Indian War. During the Revolution he served with Montgomery and Arnold in the Canadian campaign and in 1776 was made colonel of the 2d Canadian Regiment composed largely of Canadians and refugees. After a somewhat stormy military career, he retired with the rank of brigadier general in January 1783 and settled in Vermont.

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