From George Washington to James Dunlop, 6 April 1789
To James Dunlop
Mount Vernon 6th April 1789
Your letter of the 3d has been duly received—The Bond of Messrs Montgomerie, Willson, Stewart &ca is in the possession of Mr Keith of Alexandria, along with other papers belonging to the Estate of the decd Colo. Colvil—and the £600 which you propose to pay, towards the discharge of it, may go into the hands of Colo. Robert T. Hoe (The attorney of Lord Tankerville and his brother Mr Bennett, to the last of whom a considerable debt is due).1
For whatever Sterling Sum Colo. Hoe shall pass his rect, the bond will be credited, further than this I dare not go; because as the Bond is for Sterling it can hardly be expected that I should convert the payments into currency at the par of Exchange, if that part should be below the selling price of Bills; or that I can pay as I receive unless there is some Law of this State that will authorize such an act—of which I have had no opportunity, since the receipt of your letter, to make enquiry.
If after the above sum of £600, & a further sum of one hundred pounds sterling, is paid to Colo. Hoe in the manner above mentioned, more money should come into your hands on the above Acct and advice thereof is given to me, I will, if it should suit at the time, receive a draft on Philadelphia or New York—as proposed. I am Sir Yr Most Obedt Hble Servant
Go: Washington
This letter concerns the settlement of Thomas Colvill’s estate. See Thomas Montgomerie to GW, 24 Oct., 14 Nov. 1788 and 29 Mar. 1789, GW to Montgomerie, 27 Oct. 1788, and 6 April 1789, William Wilson to GW, 27 Oct. 1788, James Keith to GW, 25 Feb. 1789, and GW to William West, 28 Feb. 1789.
1. Robert Townsend Hooe of Charles County, Md., was a partner in the mercantile firm of Hooe & Harrison in Alexandria. Hooe served as mayor of Alexandria in 1780, and after the Revolution he was a member of the Fairfax County court and the Fairfax vestry. In October 1783 the countess of Tankerville wrote GW that Hooe had been given a power of attorney to act for her sons, Charles Bennett, earl of Tankerville, and his brother, Henry Astley Bennett, in collecting their legacy from the Colvill estate (GW to the Countess of Tankerville, 30 Oct. 1783). In refusing the Tankervilles’ request to act with Hooe on their behalf, GW described Hooe as “an exceeding good man, & very competent to the execution of the trust which he accepts” (GW to the Earl of Tankerville, 20 Jan. 1784).