George Washington Papers

To George Washington from the Holland Masonic Lodge, 7 March 1789

From the Holland Masonic Lodge

7 Mar. 1789

7 Mar. 1789. “We are directed, Sir, to express a Hope . . . that the Name of Washington may adorn, as well the Archives of our Lodge, as the Annals of our Country—and that we may salute as a masonic Brother him, whom we honor as the political Father of our Country.”


This letter signed by Baron von Steuben and other members of the Holland Lodge, New York City, enclosed a certificate of honorary membership in the lodge made out in GW’s name (DLC:GW). GW had held membership in the Masons since his investiture as an apprentice in Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 A. F. & A. M. in November 1752. He was raised to master mason on 4 Aug. 1753.

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