To George Washington from Samuel Meredith, 23 February 1789
From Samuel Meredith
Green Hill [Pa.] February 23, 1789
As the Unanimous voice of America will very soon call you to a Station which I flatter myself you will not decline filling, I hope this application (which perhaps I ought to have deferred till this universally wished for event had realy taken place) may not appear indelicate in your Eyes—The Fall of Landed property, added to losses occasioned by a too great confidence in Continental money, have so extreemly diminished my income as to render it necessary I should do something for the present support of my Family, I therefore take the Liberty of requesting the favour of your Interest in order to procure some office under Congress, in which I may be of service to the Publick, & at the same time benefit myself—It is generally supposed the import will immediately in the meeting of Congress engage their attention, and as an Officer will be required for that department; I should esteem myself very fortunate if thro your Influence I could be appointed, and be assured Sir I shall endeavour by a faithful discharge of the duties of the Office to make some returns for the Obligation your friendship will lay me under on this particular occasion1—As for the unspeakable one I and all America owe you as the Preserver of your Country they must ever remain in full force—Mrs Meredith joins me in respectful compliment to yourself & Mrs Washington I am Sr most Sincerely Your very humble Servt
Sam. E. Meredith
Samuel Meredith (1741–1817), a Philadelphia merchant, served in the Pennsylvania legislature and in the Pennsylvania militia during the Revolution and was a member of the Continental Congress in 1787 and 1788. GW appointed him surveyor of the port of Philadelphia in August 1789, and Meredith wrote to GW on 8 Aug. 1789 thanking him for the appointment (DNA:PCC, item 78). He did not assume his duties as surveyor; instead in September 1789 he became United States treasurer, a post he held until his resignation in December 1801.
1. For GW’s reply, see his letter to Meredith, 5 Mar. 1789.