From George Washington to William Gordon, 23 February 1789
To William Gordon
Mount Vernon February 23d 1789
Dear Sir,
In a letter which, I had the pleasure of addressing to you lately, I mentioned my private business and numerous avocations as an apology for the concisness and irregularity that might be observable in my correspondence.1 I shall therefore be excused for only acknowledging the receipt of your favor dated the 28th of Octr last, and thanking you for the Maps enclosed in it.2 Not having been able to compare them minutely with other plans of the same places, or to bestow that attention upon them which would be requisite for forming a correct Judgement; I am not at liberty to give any opinion as to their accuracy. They appear to be engraved with sufficient neatness, and to augur well as to the execution of the mechanical part of your publication. I shall only add, that the present state of tranquility in this Country affords no topics of importance for communication, and that I remain—with great respect & consideration Dr Sir yrs &c.
Go: Washington
1. See GW to Gordon, 23 Dec. 1788.
2. In his letter of 28 Oct. 1788, Gordon enclosed specimens of the maps he intended to include in his History. See Gordon to GW, 24 Sept. 1788. They included “a general map of the United States—a map of North & South Carolina with a part of Georgia—a map of Vermont, Hampshire, the Main, and lower than Albany—a map of the part of Virginia which was the seat of war—& a map of York Island & part of Long Island.”