George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Henry Knox, 19 February 1789

From Henry Knox

New York 19 February 1789

My dear Sir

I forward you by the stage which sets out this day 13 1/2 yards of 3/4 Wide bottle green cloth of the Hartford manufacture 1—I would there were more of it for your and Mrs Washingtons purposes but it was all of the color which came—The greys & the dark browns were too mean and coarse either for you or Mrs W.

There will probably be enough for a coat and waiscoat for you and for Mrs Washingtons riding dress. The price is not very high only two shillings ⅌ yard New York paper & pet below pur[chase].

As it is packed in a box I hope you will Receive it safely and speedily as I have addressed it to the proprietors of the Stages at Philadelphia Baltimore and Alexandria—I am my dear Sir Your affectionate

H. Knox

ALS, DLC:GW; ADfS, NNGL: Knox Papers. The draft differs slightly in wording.

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