To George Washington from Embree & Shotwell, 17 October 1788
From Embree & Shotwell
New York 17th 10 mo. 1788
Respected Friend
We duly Recd thine of 3d Inst. Have made Application to a person of Integrety in the Borders of Masachusetts, to know on what terms he can furnish the Quantity of Clover Seed thou mentions, from whom we hope an early Answer—We propose knowing the Terms from this Quarter on Account of the Quality being better approved than almost any other, suppose the price will be about 9d. Specie ⅌lb.—possibly a little less—Be the Current price what it may we shall not exceed it—We doubtless shall be able to ship it by the time proposed, if early instructed by thee—The Money for the Seeds sent last year were punctually paid by Murray Mumford & Bowin.1 We are Respectfully Thy Obliged Friends
Embree & Shotwell
1. Murray, Mumford & Bowen, a New York import firm in the East India trade, operated a mercantile establishment at Crane Wharf and 20 Peck Slip. Among the partners in the firm were John B. Murray from England and John P. Mumford of Newport, R.L, both of whom had been clerks in the Providence, R.I., merchant firm of Clark & Nightingale. On 11 Oct. GW paid the firm £25.1.4½ “on acct of Embree & Shottwell’s bill which was discharged by them amtg to £33.8.6 N.Yk currency” (Cash Memoranda, 1788–89, NjMoHP).