To George Washington from Leven Powell, 18 December 1786
From Leven Powell
Loudoun Decr 18h 1786.
Dear Sir,
Supposing the Buck Wheat was intended only for Sowing & having pretty full employment for our Waggons Occassion’d me not to send Any down to you sooner than I did; When that Waggon was loaded I was so engaged in business that I had not time to write. The residue of the Buck Wheat I have now by me, but again our Waggons are much engaged in getting down a Quantity of Tobacco for a vessel that is now waiting for it & it will be very convenient to me if you can wait for the Buck Wheat ’till a more Leisure time. If you cannot conveniently do so be pleased to inform my son At Alexandria & it shall be immediately sent to you.1 When this load is sent down I shall do myself the pleasure of writing you with respect to the usefulness of this Grain & how it is to be managed.2 With much respect I am Dr Sir Yr Obt Hble Servt
Leven Powell
1. Powell’s son William Henry Powell had a general merchandise store in Alexandria.
2. GW answered this letter on 21 Dec. 1786. Leven Powell wrote to GW on 8 April 1787 giving him instructions about the planting and cultivation of the buckwheat that he had purchased for GW.