To George Washington from William Pierce, 1 August 1788
From William Pierce
Savannah August 1st 1788.
I enclose you a small pamphlet which contains an Oration that I delivered in Savannah on the 4th ultimo.1 Independant of the common ceremony practised on these occasions I present it to you with the highest sentiments of respect and esteem. With honor I subscribe myself Your obedient servant2
Wm Pierce
1. William Pierce’s pamphlet An Oration, Delivered at Christ Church, Savannah, on the 4th July, 1788 was delivered before the Georgia Society of the Cincinnati and was printed in Savannah.
2. GW acknowledged on 1 Sept. the receipt of Pierce’s letter and enclosure: “Sir, I am happy to find that the same patriotic sentiments have been displayed, throught the Union, by the Citizens of America and particularly by those who were formerly members of the Army, on the ⟨XII⟩ Anniversary of Independence. That you might not apprehend your letter of the 1st of August, had miscarried throh, the great distance of the way, or that I had received your agreeable Present without feeling a due sense of the favour; I have concluded to take an early opportunity of rendering my best acknowledgments for your Oration and of assuring you that I am, with great regard, Sir, Your most obedt &c. Hble Servant Go. Washington” (LB, DLC:GW).