To George Washington from Peterson & Taylor, 14 July 1788
From Peterson & Taylor
Alexandria July the 14th 1788
We Sent your Account by Major Washington Some time past, agreable to the Measurement you furnished, and have never herd from you Since, wheather it was in any wise not to your Satisfaction—and necessaty compells us to call on you for the ballance—which is agreable to contract,1 we are exceedingly distressed for Money, which renderes it intirely out of our power to avoid calling on you at this Time—We are Sir Your Most Obediant humb. Sevts
Peterson & Taylor
1. For GW’s purchase of scantling and planks from the Alexandria firm of Peterson & Taylor for his new barn, see GW to Peterson & Taylor, 5 Jan., and notes. See also Peterson & Taylor to GW, 18 April, and George Augustine Washington’s letter printed in note 2 of that document. GW wrote from Mount Vernon on 19 July: “Gentn Your letter of the 14th came duly to hand as did the other to which there is an allusion. The first time my Nephew comes to Town I will send you what money I have towards discharging your bill for the Scantling furnished me—I wish it may be recollected, however that you have not been kept longer from the former than I have been from the latter—and that you may be moreover convinced, and sure I am, That my disadvantages arising from the one is at least equal to what yours can be from the other, and with more injurious consequences. Fish two (in Barrls) which was the fund I allotted for payment. and which if my memory has not failed me it was so intimated at the time, has not yet brought me in Cash but notwithstanding what I have you shall receive as above. I am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Servant Go. Washington” (LB, DLC:GW). GW notes in his cash accounts on 13 Sept.: “By Messrs Peterson & Taylor pd to Hans Orman by th[e]ir Order the Balance due to them amounting to [£]38.11.11½” ( , 270).