George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Ebenezer Hazard, 14 July 1788

From Ebenezer Hazard

New York July 14th 1788


Some short Time since Col. Morgan, of Princeton, left with me a Parcel for your Excellency, with a Request that I would forward it at any Time when we happened to have a small Mail; I have now the Honor to transmit it,1 with Assurances of the warmest Attachment of Your Excellency’s most obedient humble Servant

Ebenr Hazard


1GW wrote Hazard from Mount Vernon on 22 July: “Sir, The letters with which you favored me—dated the 24th of June and 14th instant—together with the packet and parcel which respectively accompanied them, came safe in due course of Post. For your attention & trouble in forwarding of them I beg you will accept the thanks of Sir Your most Obedt Hble Ser⟨vt⟩ Go: Washington” (ALS, PHi: Hazard Family Papers). The parcel from George Morgan was a packet of wheat for GW to plant. See Morgan to GW, 31 July, and GW to Morgan, 25 August.

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