George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Morris, 16 May 1788

From Robert Morris

Richmond May 16th 1788

Dear Sir

Having been honoured with the receipt of your very obliging letter of the 2d Inst. I waited to hear of Mrs Morris’s setting out on her journey before I gave you the trouble of my thanks for its Contents; Before you receive this Mrs Morris & three of her children will feel them selves happy under Your Hospitable roof, I am not ready, but shall make every exertion to finish my tedious & troublesome business here, so that I may personally make those acknowledgements which will be due to Mrs Washington & yourself for the kind reception I know my Family will meet at Mount Vernon. the Mail is just making up & I have only time to assure you of my respect & Esteem being ever my Dr sir Your most obedient humble Servant

Robt Morris


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