George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 12 May 1788

To Clement Biddle

Mount Vernon 12th May 1788

Dear Sir,

I have received your two letters of the 29 of April & 4th of May.1 Since my application to you for the prices of Linen & Blankets I have had an opportunity of supplying myself with both, upon pretty reasonable terms, but am no less obliged to you for the trouble of your inquiries respecting them.

The Philadelphia Packet has not yet arrived, but if she sailed at the time you mention she may be expected very soon.

I will thank you to inform me whether you have received the Interest due upon my Certificate in your hands, as there is a balance due to you in consequence of those articles last purchased on my Acct which shall be remitted if it is not adjusted by the above Interest.2

Will you be so obliging as to let me know in your next what the price of double & single refined Sugar is with you?

Nails from 8d. to 20d. can be purchased cheaper in Alexandria than in Philadelphia. 20d. can be had in the former place @ 10/2 per M—allowing 20 lb. to the M—whereas 20 lb. at 9d. would amount to 15/ Pensylvania Currency; but I beleive all under 8d. would come cheaper @ 9d. per pound. With great esteem, I am, Dear Sir, Your most Obedt Hble Servt

Go: Washington

P.S. Pray forward the Letter to Genl Armstrong when a good conveyance offers. G.W.3

LS, in the hand of Tobias Lear, PHi: Washington-Biddle Correspondence; LB, DLC:GW.

1No letter from Biddle dated 29 April has been found. The contents of GW’s letter make it certain that he is referring to the letter from Biddle dated 21 April, a copy of which is in Biddle’s letter book. Biddle’s notes for his letter of 4 May are printed in note 1 of Biddle’s letter of 21 April.

2At the dissolution of their partnership at Washington’s Bottom, Pa., in 1785, GW secured from Gilbert Simpson a U.S. certificate, which GW sent to Biddle to dispose of. Biddle converted it to a Pennsylvania certificate and sent the interest to GW See GW to Biddle, 1 Feb. 1785, n.8.

3The postscript is in GW’s hand. GW’s letter to John Armstrong is dated 25 April.

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