George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Vaughan, 27 April 1788

To John Vaughan

Mount Vernon April 27th 1788


I have received your two letters of the 17th and 21st Inst. and the papers containing the four numbers of Fabius whih accompany’d them.1

I must beg you to accept of my best thanks for your polite attention in forwarding those papers to me. The writer of the pieces signed Fabius, whoever he is appears to be master of his2 subject; he treats it with dignity, and at the same time expresses himself in such a manner as to render it intelligible to every capacity. I have no doubt but an extensive republication of them would be of utility in removing those impressions which have been made upon the minds of many by an unfair or partial representation of the proposed Constitution, and would afford desireable information upon the subject to those who seek for it.3

I am happy to hear of your farthers safe arrival in Jamaica; you will please to tender my regards to him whenever you write.4 I am &c.

Go. Washington

LB, DLC:GW; copy, PHi: Robert R. Logan Collection; copy, PPAmP: Madeira-Vaughan Collection.

John Vaughan (1756–1841), the son of GW’s friend Samuel Vaughan, was a merchant in Philadelphia who helped arrange the publication of Dickinson’s “Fabius” essays.

1Letters not found.

2John Dickinson’s copy, undoubtedly made from the receiver’s copy, has “this” instead of “his.” The other differences between it and the letter-book copy are inconsequential.

3John Dickinson’s “Fabius” pieces began appearing in the Pennsylvania Mercury and Universal Advertiser (Philadelphia) on 12 April.

4In late 1787 Samuel Vaughan went from Philadelphia to Jamaica where he had extensive property and remained there for a year or more. He again sailed from Philadelphia in 1790 at which time he returned permanently to London. See Vaughan to GW, 4 Nov. 1788, written from Jamaica.

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