George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Clement Biddle, 31 March 1788

From Clement Biddle

Ph[iladelphi]a March 31 1788

Your esteemed favour of 24 Inst. with 40 Ds. in Bank Notes Came to hand by last post. No other vessel has yet offered for Alexandria. Mr Peters having sent me two Letters & a small Box to forward and the Letters containing some Garden seed I have covered them by post & shall not fail to send the Box which Contains some Roots by first Conveyance1 I am &c.

C. Biddle

ADfS, ViMtvL: Clement Biddle Letter Book.

1Richard Peters wrote GW on 12 Mar. and enclosed seed of the root of scarcity, or mangel-wurtzel. The box contained roots of the plant. The second letter to which Biddle refers may be Peters’s extract of a work on the root of scarcity (see note 2 in Peters to GW, 12 March).

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