To George Washington from J. Huiberts, 22 February 1788
From J. Huiberts
Baltimore feby 22d 1788
Being on the eve of going to Europe, I should undoubtedly do myself the honour of waiting on your Excellency, but unavoidable buseness attending a voyage of this kind rendering it quite impossible to acquit myself of this duty personally, I take the liberty to do it by this letter, and to thank You and your friendly family most Cordially for all the unmerited attentions and civilities shewn me while in America, and to tender my Services to your Excellency and your friends, where ever you think they can be usefull either to you or to them; worthless as they are, I must beg you’ll receive them, with the addition of my Sincere wishes, for your health and prosperity in every respect.1
My Stay in Holland shall not be long, as the trip is only intended to fetch my only child and property over to America, where I hope to bring it up, and Spend the remainder of my life, in that true freedom and under the protection of Such Laws, as by a Fœderal Gouvernment, duly administered, can make its peaceful Citizens the happyest people on the globe.2
Allow me Sir! to recommand me in Your & Mrs Washingtons friendly and much esteemed remembrance; to request my Sincere compliments to Major Washington and his Lady, also to Master George, and be pleased to believe, that no time nor distance can alter the real Sentiments of gratitude and due reguard, with which I have the honour to be Your Excellency’s Most obedient & most humb. ser.
J. Huiberts.
1. GW replied from Mount Vernon on 3 Mar.: “Sir, I have received your polite letter of the 22d Ulto—and am much obliged to you for the kind tender of your services to execute any commissions for me in Holland; but as I have no business, at present in that quarter I cannot avail myself of your obliging offer, I have however, a no less grateful sense of it on that acct. You will please, Sir, to accept of my best wishes for a safe voyage, a prosperous completion of your business in Europe, and a happy return to this Country. Mrs Washington and the rest of the family Join in this wish. I am Sir Yr Most Obedt Hble Sert Go. Washington” (LB, DLC:GW).
2. Huiberts wrote GW on 23 July 1790 to explain why he had not returned to America.