To George Washington from Benjamin Tasker Dulany, 1 February 1788
From Benjamin Tasker Dulany
Springhill Feby 1st 1788
Dear General
Nothing but the inclemency of the Weather has prevented my going to Maryland for your Rent, and can assure you I have no other apology to make.
As soon as I can cross the potomac you may rely on my going to Maryland, and immediately waiting on you on my return with your Rent, in the mean time Mrs French will rest satisfied1—With respectful Compliments to Mrs Washington I am Dear Genl with true esteem Your Obedt servt
Benjn Dulany
1. In March Dulany paid GW £120 which he owed for rent of GW’s Dow property where Dulany and his wife, Elizabeth French Dulany, lived ( , 132). The Dow tract was to become the property of the Dulanys at the death of Mrs. Dulany’s mother, Penelope Manley French, to whose property on Dogue Run GW held reversionary rights. For a description of GW’s arrangements with the Dulanys and Mrs. French with regard to these landholdings, see GW to Charles Lee, 20 Feb. 1785, n.1.