To George Washington from John Rumney, Jr., 22 January 1788
From John Rumney, Jr.
Alexandria 22d Jany 1788
I now inclose you all the Papers that I have recd from Mr Swan of Baltimore respecting the Estate of Mr Colville deceas’d, for your Perusal, also a Letter from Mr Scorer of Whitehaven to myself on the same Business.1 If there is any Thing remaining after the Discharge of the Debts, I believe it would be of great Use to the Claimants. You have inclosed the Opinion of Council, respecting their Claim, which I wish may prove satisfactory.2 With the greatest Respect I am Sir Yr most obt Servt
John Rumney
1. GW wrote to Rumney on 6 April 1787 about Thomas Colvill’s estate. See also GW to John Swan, 23 May 1785, and notes. “Mr Scorer” has not been identified.
2. None of the enclosures has been found.