George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Mason, Jr., 21 January 1788

From George Mason, Jr.

Lexington 21st Jany 1788

Dr Sir

Some time ago Mr Massey sent me his Subscription papers (as sent herewith) I never untill very lately showed them to any Person as I wished to decline the Office of Collector & Solicitor but finding I cou’d not do it without giving offence I have been obliged to submit—Mr Massey wrote me yesterday to know if I had received any Money for him as he had engaged some Corn to be delivered the middle of this Week—in consequence of this I send the Bearer into your Neighbourhood & have desired him to call on you if convenient you will please send by him the amount of your last years Subscription1—With much respect I am Yr Most Hbe St

G. Mason Jr


1GW’s entry in his cash accounts for 22 Jan. reads: “By Mr [Lee] Massey pd him my subscriptn for the year 1787 by the hands of Geo. Mason Junr Esqr. [£]8.00” (Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , 262). Massey was rector for Truro Parish.

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