To George Washington from Edmund Randolph, 27 December 1787
From Edmund Randolph
Richmond Decr 27. 1787.
Dear sir
The inclosed pamphlet speaks so fully for itself, that any explanation of it from me would be useless.1 I send it to you, because I know your friendship for the writer, and because I take pleasure in subscribing myself at all times, with unfeigned truth my dear sir Yr obliged friend & serv.
Edm: Randolph
1. The pamphlet contained Randolph’s letter to the speaker of the house of delegates, dated 10 Oct., giving his reasons for not signing the Constitution. It is reprinted in 8:260–75. Randolph also sent a copy of the pamphlet to James Madison. For the differing reactions of the two to the publication of Randolph’s statement, see GW to Randolph, 8 Jan. 1788, and Madison to Randolph, 10 Jan. 1788, in 10:354–57.