To George Washington from Battaile Muse, 26 December 1787
From Battaile Muse
Decr 26th 1787
Honorable Sir
I have only Time as the Post is waiting To Say I have Enclosed and Order on Mr Willim Hunter for £50—altho I am not in your Debt1—I Shall write To you Very Fully by First opportunity. I have the Honour to be your Faithfull Servant
Battaile Muse
Please To inform me whether my orders are accepted To Ennable me To do what may be wright.
ALS, DLC:GW. Written on the cover: “Mr [Thomas] Po[r]ter will much oblige To Forward this Letter with dispatch & Care B. Muse.”
1. The entry of 5 Jan. 1788 in GW’s account with Muse records £100 received in “two Drafts on William Hunter Junr Esqr. in my favor for £50 each” ( , 213). For the second £50 draft, see Muse to GW, 4 Dec., n.4.